Thursday, 14 March 2019

#5 Anuj Somany, More happiness inside is less enjoyment outside.

Anuj Somany

Anuj Somany
Anuj Somany

More happiness inside is less enjoyment outside.
- Anuj Somany

#4 Anuj Somany, The truth is always more powerful

Anuj Somany

Anuj Somany
Anuj Somany
The truth is always more powerful and stronger
than love, because the love becomes - powerless
in the absence of truth.
- Anuj Somany


#3 Anuj Somany, If we only say what we feel

Anuj Somany

Anuj Somany
Anuj Somany

If we only say what we feel, then we merely
dwell in that which keeps us zeal.
- Anuj Somany


#2 Anuj Somany, Silence is a power only in the hands of enlightened minds

Anuj Somany

Anuj Somany
Anuj Somany

Silence is a power only in the hands of enlightened
minds, but weakness in the mind of helpless hands.
- Anuj Somany
