Thursday 4 April 2019

#1 Kim Jong Un Quotes

Kim Jong Un Quotes 

Kim Jong Un Quotes
Kim Jong Un Quotes
The United States must choose!
It's up to you whether the nation
called the United States exists on
this planet or not.
- Kim Jong Un Quotes

Kim Jong Un Quotes
Kim Jong Un Quotes
It's always tough being the fat kid in school.
It must be extra tough being the only fat kid
in your entire country.
- Kim Jong Un 

Kim Jong Un Quotes
Kim Jong Un Quotes

Start your day with a smile.
- Kim Jong Un Quotes

Kim Jong Un Quotes
Kim Jong Un Quotes

If you love someone tell them..
Because hearts are often broken
by unspoken words.
- Kim Jong Un Quotes

Kim Jong Un Quotes
Kim Jong Un Quotes

Haters are proof that you are doing something right.
- Kim Jong Un Quotes

Kim Jong Un Quotes
Kim Jong Un Quotes

The entire United States is within range of 
our nuclear weapons, and a nuclear button is 
always on my desk. This is reality, not a threat.
- Kim Jong Un Quotes

Kim Jong Un Quotes
Kim Jong Un Quotes

The year 2016 was a year of revolutionary event, 
a year of great change, worthy of note in the 
history of our party and country.
- Kim Jong Un Quotes

Kim Jong Un Quotes
Kim Jong Un Quotes

All party organizations should maintain implementing 
the party's lines and policies as the major line of party work, 
and carry every one of them to completion unconditionally.
- Kim Jong Un Quotes

Kim Jong Un Quotes
Kim Jong Un Quotes
The revolution is carried out by means of one's thought.
- Kim Jong Un Quotes

Kim Jong Un Quotes
Kim Jong Un Quotes

North Korea can tip new type intercontinental 
ballistic rockets with more powerful nuclear 
warheads and keep any cesspool of evils in 
the earth, including the US mainland, 
within our striking range.
- Kim Jong Un Quotes

Kim Jong Un Quotes
Kim Jong Un Quotes
The days are gone forever when our enemies 
could blackmail us with nuclear bombs.
- Kim Jong Un Quotes

Kim Jong Un Quotes
Kim Jong Un Quotes
Want to know what's more destructive
than a nuclear bomb ? Words.
-  Kim Jong Un Quotes

Kim Jong Un Quotes
Kim Jong Un Quotes
World can see what are US imperialists doing in Iraq, 
Running around like their grandfathers cowboys, 
killing civilians for fun. If we want to avoid such fate, 
we must embrace our Songun Politics.
- Kim Jong Un Quotes

Kim Jong Un Quotes
Kim Jong Un Quotes
Wasn't even that high to cross.
It was too easy to walk over that line
and it took us 11 years to get here.
- Kim Jong Un Quotes

Kim Jong Un Quotes
Kim Jong Un Quotes
Nothing will be beyond our reach when we make
 the flames of creating positive deeds flare up across
 the country with the virtues of the young vanguard 
as the initial spark and bring into full play the 
mounting vigour of the millions of young people.
- Kim Jong Un Quotes

Kim Jong Un Quotes
Kim Jong Un Quotes
" Live, Love Laugh "
- Kim Jong Un Quotes