Wednesday, 20 March 2019

#2 Anuj Somany

Anuj Somany

Anuj Somany
Anuj Somany

There is no respect between the souls of two individuals
if their minds can not trust each other and there is no trust
between them if their hearts can not accept the truth of each other.
- Anuj Somany


#1 Anuj Somany

Anuj Somany

Anuj Somany
Anuj Somany

Every penny that has always been earned with integrity
by a person to lead life with  a real simplicity has only
perhaps helped to serve almighty and protect and preserve
humanity in the society.
 - Anuj Somany


Tuesday, 19 March 2019

#3 Narendra Modi Quotes

Narendra Modi Quotes 

Mind is never a problem, MINDSET is.
- Narendra Modi Quotes 

#2 Narendra Modi Quotes

Narendra Modi Quotes 

Narendra Modi Quotes
Narendra Modi Quotes 

An opportunity to work is good luck for me.
I put my soul into it. Each such opportunity opens
the gates for the next one.
- Narendra Modi Quotes
