Saturday, 16 March 2019

#5 Anuj Somany

Anuj Somany 

Anuj Somany
Anuj Somany 

Simplicity is not about eating by sitting
on the floor but leading truly a simple life
to the heart core.
- Anuj Somany


#4 Anuj Somany

Anuj Somany 

Anuj Somany
Anuj Somany

All marital problems are most likely
to be resolved if only two people are
involved i.e Husband and Wife, without 
allowing any damn third person to meddle
or mediate int their internal family issues.
- Anuj Somany


Friday, 15 March 2019

#3 Anuj Somany

Anuj Somany

Anuj Somany
Anuj Somany

Adversity is the cradle of prosperity.
- Anuj Somany


#2 Anuj Somany

Anuj Somany

Anuj Somany
Anuj Somany

Success is not a journey
it's a destination called satisfaction.
- Anuj Somany